AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help

Create On-Network Asset

To create an asset record with a linear referenced location:
  1. Click the Start Spatial Edits button and select the asset layer that you want to edit. Click Start Spatial Edits.
  2. Click the Create Asset button .
  3. The Create {Asset Type} dialog opens.

  4. On the Attributes tab, fill in the Attribute data in the fields as required. Some fields may be mandatory.
  5. Scroll down the form to the Location Details panel.

    AWLRS provides two methods to locate an asset:

    A) Locate By Defining the Network Element and Start/End Offsets

    In the Name box, start typing in the element's name to get a dropdown list that matches the entered text.

    Select the network element to locate the asset against. Depending on the configuration defined by the organization, this may be From and To fields or Offsets. These will be automatically populated with the minimum and maximum offsets for the selected network element.

    You can change the From and To or Offset values as required. Note that these values will need to be within the Min and Max offset values for this element. If not, a validation message will appear, and you will not be able to save the record as shown below:

    The Datum at Start, Datum at End, Start Datum Offset, and End Datum Offset values display the Start and End Datum names and offsets, based on the selected network element. These values will be read-only in most cases, unless the start or end offset is an ambiguous location. In this case the Datum at Start/ Datum at End a dropdown list is displayed with the datum elements on this location to select from.

    B) Locate Using the Map

    Click the Locate from Map button in the Location Details panel.

    A message appears at the bottom right of the page prompting you to select a network element.

    Click the map along a network element. If, on the spot you click, there is only one network feature (datum or route where the asset can be located on), the measure values will be reported against this network type. If there are more than one features at the click position, a dialog will pop up for you to select the layer against which the location measures will be reported.

    If you have set up a "Preferred LRM" this element will be displayed in bold and listed at the top.

    Select the network element and click Select.

    The network element you selected will be highlighted in yellow, and your cursor will be locked to the datum. Click on the network element to locate the asset if it is a point asset. If it is a continuous asset click on the network at the beginning of the asset location, then trace along the element to the end of the asset location and double click to finish. While you are tracing the location of the asset a popup displays the current offset. The popup will also notify you if you reached the start or the end of the traced network element or you snapped to an existing asset of the same type. The screenshots below provide some examples:

    Note that you can turn snapping on or off using the Snapping settings button at the bottom of your screen.

    Clicking this button will list any vector layers you can snap to always including the currently edited layer as shown in the screenshot below:

  6. Once all mandatory attributes are entered, the Save button is enabled. Click Save to create the asset. A success message appears briefly onscreen.